Fat Loss Failures and New Year Plans – Blog Post 5

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This is my 5th weight loss blog and one of reflection, joy and hopefully welcomes another exciting year ahead.

It’s been an interesting year for the business, but more importantly, this new weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey hasn’t been as difficult as I imagined it would be.

Before I celebrate the wins, I am going to share the failures because this action alone will assist my weight loss boost next week. I have relaxed and indulged in too many treats this week which has left me sluggish and bloated.  I cannot wait to get back to the routine that worked for me and assisted my 3 stones weight loss.

Here’s me struggling to hold 20kg, my weight loss so far is more

Here’s me attempting to carry 20kg (about the same weight I have lost) and it hurts…. lots!!!  I was living and carrying the excess weight for so long, I never thought it could hurt this much to lift the weight I have lost!

The Failed diets

Let’s explore my failed attempts. I’ve tried various slimming clubs, joined gyms (and not gone) and trained for various challenges and just failed miserably.

There’s been the shakes which don’t work for a foodie who loves to cook and socialize as I do.

It’s easier to list the two diets I’ve never tried – Atkins and Keto.  I’ve tried hypnosis with various “experts” and one left me without sleep for months, it was a horrendous experience and hypnosis needs heavy regulation as far as I’m concerned.

I’ve even had a gastric hypnosis band installed which had zero effect on my weight loss, just a load of anxiety, listening to weight loss cd’s for hours and the battering in my purse.

Please don’t let me fast, yes I’ve tried 5:2, 800 plan and the list goes on… There’s probably hundreds of other plans I’ve tried and completely failed.  Here’s a photo of some of my fat loss failures:

Medical Intervention

I’ve been on weight loss studies with NHS and the doctor told me, due to my medical condition, its near impossible for me to lose weight without Xenical.  In my personal humble opinion, these drugs will not support a healthy, long term lifestyle and I now realize that I deserve to be healthy.

I am so glad that my new lifestyle choices are finally working for me.

Here’s what Worked:

I found a gym with amazing staff who always welcome you with a smile and somehow I have just become the female member of the year.  That’s so unexpected and lovely, thank you!

I hired my own personal trainer who understands my lifestyle and diet. I trust his knowledge and without his support over the last six months, I would not have lost three stones.

Thank you, Dieter for still putting up with me!

The morning routine

Leaving 2022 with a solid morning routine has been another great achievement this year. I wake between 5 and 5.30 am Mon to Thurs,  start with a wash, a strong black coffee, a loo break and a half hour read of something that starts my day in a super positive head space.

I then head to the gym where I train under my expert PT’s guidance and at times end with a swim and/or a sauna.

This is the greatest start to my day and  yes, this is absolutely a miracle in itself.

Fridays might be a later start, weekends are dependent on work and homelife.

Did you know that I recently climbed the Wrekin, a hill that I never thought I’d climb in this lifetime again so again another emotional moment!

Making a list

Come on, I’m bound to have a list for every part of my life and here’s what I log, as and WHEN I need to!


Water consumption, we need around 2 litres of water a day and it’s easy to forget so I keep track.


As I value my sleep and feel sleep has been a large part of my weight loss success (you’ll often find me tucked up in bed by 9.30pm, it used to be after midnight) I not only monitor my sleep, but also my caffeine intake and avoid coffee after mid-day.

Nutrition, diet and the Food Diary

I’m a foodie and eat healthy, home made meals, three to four meals per day, supported by advice from my personal trainer, Dieter who suggests between 4-6 pounds weight loss per month or I’ll have saggy skin!

Breakfast is a fruit smoothie with a protein scoop or a 2 egg veggie omelet, or 20g of porridge oats, cooked with water.

Lunch is usually dhal, lentils homemade and frozen in 150 – 200g servings, warmed up and finished with fresh tomatoes and coriander or salad.

Evening meal is the meal I look forward to most and differs every day, it’s a dairy and gluten free vegetarian meal with plenty of fresh fruit, veg and salads to brighten it up.

Naturally, Healthy, Holistic 

The lifestyle changes are natural, no magic pills, potions or prayers, just a plan that I stick to which rewards me with a fantastic feeling of happiness served with a huge pile of positive energy.

Try it and please let me know how you get on, you might have a great tip to share with me, thankyou as always for supporting me.

When I look back at fat loss failures, I had not worked on each element and this time consistency  has been key.  I focus about 85% to achieve the results so there is room to “cheat” but keeping on track is so rewarding and motivating!

Please don’t look back with regret, remember we are amazing human beings so here’s to the new year and exciting times ahead,  thank you, as always for supporting me and HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR to you and your loved ones.